John Steward of Jesus
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Marvelous Wisdom

March 19, 1981

Once there was a farmer who sold corn and oats, and measured them in bushels. One day he said he was no longer selling corn and oats, but only “bushels.” Everyone smiled at his foolishness.

There was a farmer who sold cream and milk, and measured them in gallons. One day he said he was no longer selling cream and milk, but only “gallons.” Everyone smiled at his foolishness.

There was a farmer who dealt in duck eggs and chicken eggs, and measured them in dozens. One day he said he was no longer dealing in eggs, but only in “dozens.” Everyone smiled at his foolishness.

There was a plumber who did business in copper and lead and measured them in pounds. One day he said he was no longer doing business in copper and lead, but only in “pounds.” Everyone smiled at his foolishness.

There was a banker who did business in gold and silver, and measured them in dollars. One day he said he was no longer doing business in gold and silver, but only in “dollars.” Everyone marveled at his wisdom.
