John Steward of Jesus
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Spoken messages

October 13, 2011

I suppose every "preacher" who has prepared weekly messages (sermons) and thought that what he said was sometimes worthwhile has wondered what to do with the written scripts or notes used for speaking.  Mine were stacked in the back of a drawer for close to twenty years.  Recently, after deciding to read them myself one last time before trashing them, I discovered that what I was learning or being reminded of was enough reason for keeping many of them.

They are grouped into topical categories, with dates intermixed from the years 1987-1989 at Lynden, Washington, and 1989-1992 at Buhler, Kansas.  This listing will give anyone interested a sense of the topics which occupied my attention, and enable anyone near here to look at the written notes or scripts if they desire.

General Messages

l.Jesus on Trial. Matthew 26,27

2.Leading into Galilee. Matthew 26,28

3.Jesus Reinstates Peter. John 21

4.Encouraged by the Holy Spirit. Acts 9:31

5.Forgive as God Forgave You. Colossians 3:13

6.Who is my Neighbor? Luke 10

7.All Scripture is God-Breathed. II Timothy 3:16-17

8.Saving Live by Losing it. Mark 8:35

9.Have the Attitude of Jesus. Philippians 1,2

10.God will Complete his Work.(New Year) Philippians 1:1-11

11.The Pharisee and the Tax Collector. Luke 18

12.Speaking the Truth in Love. Ephesians 4:15

13.Who Can be Against us? Romans 8:31

14.Nothing is too Hard for God. Jeremiah 32:17

15.Why God Sent His Son. John 3:16

16.Come to me you who are Weary and Burdened.(funeral message) Matthew 11

17.The Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Hebrews 9

18.My Grace is Sufficient for you. II Corinthians 12:9

19.Doors Closed and Opened. Acts 16:6-10

20.Not Ashamed of the Gospel.(first message in Kansas) Romans 1:16,17

21.It is I Myself. (“Easter”) Luke 24

22.Raised with Christ. Colossians 2,3

23.A Pearl of Great Value. Luke 9, Matthew 13

24.Evidence of the Grace of God. Acts 11

25.Follow Me. John 1

26.Faith is Being Sure and Certain. Hebrews 11

27.God Makes Things Grow. I Corinthians 3

28.Abba, Father. John l8, Galatians 3,4

29.Live by the Spirit. Galatians 3,4,5

30.Jesus—Lord or Caboose (graduation). Matthew 7

31.The Most Important Commandment. Deuteronomy 6, Mark 12

32.The Second Greatest Commandment. Leviticus 19, Matthew 22, Romans 13

33.Take my Yoke upon you. Matthew 11

34.Treasures in Heaven. (end of year) Matthew 6

35.The Identity and Mission of Jesus. Matthew 16

36.Resolutely Setting out for Jerusalem. Luke 9

37.Recognizing God's Coming. (“Palm” Sunday) Matthew 21, Luke 19

38.His Incomparably Great Power. (“Easter”) Luke 24, Ephesians 1

39.You Must be Born Again. (new year, new beginning) John 3

40.Saved—When? Ephesians 1

41.Do Not be Afraid. Revelation 1

42.Building on the Foundation. I Corinthians 3

43.Walking by Faith. Matthew 14


44.I am the Lord's Servant. (Mary) Luke 1

45.Dismiss Your Servant in Peace. (Simeon) Luke 2

46.All are under Sin. Romans 3

47.Immanuel—God with us. Isaiah 7,8

48.Give Him the Name Jesus. Matthew 1

Communion, Baptism

49 I am the Bread of Life. John 6

50.In Remembrance of Jesus. Luke 22

51.Members of God's Household. Ephesians 2

52.United and Separated. Mark 9, Matthew 12

53.Bread without Yeast. Exodus 12, I Corinthians 5

54.The Foundation Already Laid. I Corinthians 3

55.Do Not Let Your Hearts be Troubled. (before 1991 war) John 13,14

56.The Meaning of Baptism.

57.Baptism with Water. (mode)

58.Supper with the Lord. Luke 17,22, Revelation 3

The “Church”

59.He is the Head of the Body. Colossians 1:18

60.We, who are Many, are One Body. I Corinthians 10:17

61.Overseers, Elders, Pastors, and Deacons.

62.The Apostles and Elders, your Brothers. Acts 15

63.Leaders in the Church. I Corinthians 13

The Fruits of the Spirit

64.Keep in Step with the Spirit. Galatians 5:25

65.The Fruit of the Spirit—Joy. Galatians 5









Special Topics

74.Christian Calling and Occupation

75.Perspectives on Health and Healing. Mark 10, I Corinthians 2

76.When you Fast. Matthew 6

77.Do not Swear at All. Matthew 5

78.Children of the Father. (economics, usury)

79.Who is the Faithful and Wise Servant?(talents parable, stewardship, usury)

80.Lending to Enemies. (usury) Matthew 5, Luke 6

81.Reflections on the Closing of a Church.

82.Trying to Understand Adversity. Luke 13, John 9

83.When God Speaks. (Kansas tornado)

84.The Detestable Ways of the Nations. (occult) Deuteronomy 18

Parents and Children

85.The Hearts of Parents and Children. Malachi 4:6

86.A Heritage from the Lord. Deuteronomy 6, Psalm 127

87.Mothers and Fathers, or Generic Parents? Genesis 1,2, Titus 2

88.Continue in What you have Learned. (youth) II Timothy 1,3

89-93.Boast in the Lord. (self-esteem, self-image) Romans 3, I Corinthians 1,

Church and State “, two kingdoms, nonviolence

94.Do not be Yoked Together with Unbelievers.

95.Is Civil Government becoming an Idol?

96.Suffering Servant. (nonviolence)

97.King of Kings. (political perspectives)

98.Blessed is the Nation whose God is the LORD. Psalm 33

99.Responding to Evil.

100,10l. Soldiers and Kings. I Samuel 8, Romans 12,13

102.Overcome Evil with Good. Romans 12,13

103.A Banner for the Nations. (flags) Exodus 17, Isaiah 11

104.You are not to be Like That. Luke 22:26

105.We Preach Christ Crucified. (symbol of the cross)

106.The Kingdom of God. Matthew 9,10,12, Ephesians 6

107.The Kingdom of Satan. Luke 4, Acts 4, Ephesians 2,6

108.Choose whom you will Serve. Joshua 24

109.By what Authority. (church and state) Luke 10, Acts 4

110.You do not Belong to the World. (“society”) John 15,17, II Corinthians 6,7, II Peter 2

111.The Future—Better of Worse?

112.Who are God's People?

113.Who are our Enemies?

114.Who is Chief Commander? (beginning of 1991 war). I Samuel 8

115.Kingdom Living.

Judaism and Gentiles

116.Unity Restored. Genesis 11

117.The Mystery of Christ. Ephesians 2,3

118-121.Paul's Previous Way of Life. Galatians 1

Old Testament

122.The Account of Terah. (call of Abraham) Genesis 11,12

123.The Account of Ishmael Genesis 16

124.The Covenant of Circumcision. Genesis 17

125.Our God Reigns. Book of Esther.

126.How Long O Lord. (Psalm of Lament) Psalm 13

127.Funeral Meditation. Psalm 23

128.Be Still and Know that I am God. Psalm 46

129.Cast your Cares on the Lord. Psalm 55

130.Numbering our Days Aright. Psalm 90:12

131.Establish the Work of our Hands. Psalm 90:17

132.Exalt the Lord Our God. (Psalm of Praise) Psalm 99

133.Meet Him with Thanksgiving. Psalm 100

134.Let us Rejoice and be Glad. Psalm 118:24

135.His Love Endures Forever. Psalm 136

136.Praise the Lord. (“Hallelujah”) Psalm 148

“Minor” prophets

137.The Lion Roars and Thunders. Amos

138.A Difficult Love Relationship. Hosea

139.Salvation Comes from the Lord. Jonah

140.The Kingdom will be the Lord's. Obadiah

141.The Lord Dwells in Zion. Joel

142.Micah of Moresheth.

143.An Oracle Concerning Nineveh. Nahum

144.The Righteous will Live by His Faith. Habakkuk

145.The Lord is Mighty to Save. Zephaniah

146.Give Careful Thought to your Ways. Haggai

147.Words of Encouragement. Zechariah

148.A Disappointed Father. Malachi
