John Steward of Jesus
  The "Good News" (Gospel) > Archives > Published Locally > Farm Rent Prices

Farm Rent Prices

March 14, 1985

It is unlikely that any acres in our area will be left idle because there is no profit in farming the land.

It is reported that experienced farmers are contracting to rent additional land for $80 to $120 per acre.

These cost figures are not fixed by outside influences or by factors beyond our control. They are negotiated by local people.

We are therefore led to one of two conclusions:

(1)    Farmers can pay such rent and expect a reasonable profit.

If so, the present publicity of “poor prices” is puffed propaganda for political purposes.

(2)    Farmers cannot pay such rent and expect a reasonable profit.

If so, some farmers are willing to pay for the privilege of farming without expecting a reasonable profit.

It is difficult to sympathize with someone who complains when he gets that for which he willingly chooses to pay. Finanical assistance would only enable him to pay even more to rent more land next year.    -
