The "Good News" (Gospel) > Archives > Published Locally > Whom Do We Trust? |
Whom Do We Trust?May 6, 1982
Whom do we trust to provide for the elderly? Government.
Whom do we trust to provide for orphans and widows? Government Whom do we trust to provide for poor people? Government.
Whom do we trust to provide for the unemployed? Government. Whom do we trust to provide for the handicapped? Government Whom do we trust to supervise training of children? Government.
Whom do we trust to safeguard the teaching of truth? Government.
Whom do we trust to safeguard the care of our health? Government.
Whom do we trust to manage the use of the land? Government.
Whom do we trust to guarantee payments for good crops? Government.
Whom do we trust to plan and monitor wealth distribution? Government.
Whom do we trust to provide the jobs that are needed? Government. Whom do we trust to guarantee payment of debts? Government. Whom do we trust to prevent economic collapse? Government.
Whom do we trust to protect us from evil schemes? Government. Whom do we trust to punish those who do evil? Government.
Whom do we trust to defend us against an attack? Government.
Whom do we trust to introduce global peace? Government. Whom have some men trusted to do all this? God and His Christ. The passing of time will show who is worthy of trust.
P.S. Who is Government, anyway? If Government fails us, where shall we find him?(them? it?)