The "Good News" (Gospel) > Archives > Other Writings 1979-1985 > Preparation for Storms |
Preparation for StormsDecember 11, 1981
Even in the middle of the harvest season, with the hay lying on windrows in the field, the farmer who sees a tornado approaching would do well to go into a cave or cellar with his family. He will ignore the fact that he will not be producing anything in the cellar, or that his hay might get wet if the clouds bring rain. There are times in life when survival is a consideration more important than short term prosperity. Those who survive in health can produce later. Those who produce a trifle more and then perish have made a bad bargain.
It is unfortunate that so few people have any sense of the magnitude of the approaching storm. The overwhelming sense of disorientation which will accompany the storm will certainly strain our social structures. Perhaps only those whose inner gyroscopes are working well will maintain equilibrium.