John Steward of Jesus
  The "Good News" (Gospel) > Archives > "Official" Communications >  Treasury Department

 Treasury Department

December 29, 1980

Department of the Treasury
15th. St. & Penn. Ave. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20220

Dear Staff at the Treasury Department:

Recent economic events have stimulated me to do some reading related to the financial structure of our country. I have become somewhat concerned and would like your help in obtaining information in answer to the questions listed below.

1.    Is a dollar still the money of account of the United States?

2.    What is the definition in law of a dollar? Is it still defined as a specified weight of gold or sliver? Any reference you can provide for the latest legal definition of a dollar will be very much appreciated.

3.    Where can one obtain dollars, as they are defined in law?

4.    Is a Federal Reserve Note for a dollar itself a dollar? It
seems to me that a note for a dollar of money is not itself
a dollar, just as a note for a bushel of corn is not itself
a bushel.

5.    Is the entity which issues Federal Reserve Notes a part of our Federal Government, or is it a private corporation?

6.    Is there anything available to me which is lawful money of the United States? It seems to me that notes issued by a private corporation are not lawful money of the United States.

7.    Who is authorized to issue lawful money in the United States?

If you are unable to provide information related to any of these questions, I would appreciate your help in referring them to the appropriate agency, or suggesting to me where I should refer them.

I thank you in advance for your timely consideration of this matter. Please place the enclosed self—addressed postcard in the mail as confirmation that you have received this letter.
