Termination of interest in real propertyNovember 24, 2010
Below is a copy of a "miscellaneous" notice recorded at the local Register of Deeds on November 22.
Regarding the real property described
Lots 20 and 21, Block 11,
Hutchinson Investment Company's Ninth Addition to the City of
Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas, according to the duly
recorded plat thereof.
May everyone know from this indenture
that by signing our names below, we, John Steward of Jesus and Mary
Steward of Jesus are declaring and witnessing that we hereby
terminate, quit, relinquish, disclaim and cease recognition of any
and all of our rights of interest in or related to the above
described real property, now and forever.
The real property (real estate)
described is an abstract entity, a legal mental construct, a part
(subset) of the City of Hutchinson and Reno County, corporate
political entities created and existing under and by virtue of the
laws, authority and power of the State of Kansas, the creator and
sovereign ruler of all entities it has fictitiously called into
Commonly thought of as associated with
the abstract real property described above is land, a geographic part
(subset) of the earth and the soil, water, and air comprising it, all
created and existing under and by virtue of the laws, authority and
power of the Almighty Creator and Sovereign Ruler of all things He
has awesomely called into being, together with improvements left by
previous real, living occupant creatures. With our knowledge,
consent, and blessing, that land is being stood upon, occupied,
inhabited, tilled, used and enjoyed in the kingdom of God, outside
the jurisdiction of the State of Kansas, by participants in a local
gathering of Christian believers as a congregation of the church of
Jesus Christ, under the exclusive authority and jurisdiction of the
Creator and His Elected Leader (Messiah, Christ), Jesus of Nazareth.
May they enjoy His protection and blessing. We are signing this
indenture in consideration of our desire to support and contribute
freely to this gathering of Christian believers.
Done on November 22, 2010. (signed, notarized, and recorded)