The "Good News" (Gospel) > Sporadic Log > Can we change kingdoms? |
Can we change kingdoms?August 12, 2007 (Posted at HisCalledOutAssembly)
(In response to: " brother John, if you have the time and
inclination, perhaps you could give us your thoughts on brother (J)'s
question regarding quitting the jurisdiction of the creature, and
joining oneself to the Creator's jurisdiction, and then repent for
having done so and relinquish the Creator's jurisdiction to rejoin the
creature's jurisdiction.")
As to brother (J)'s questions, I will respond intuitively before going
outside to do some weeding before the thermometer hits 100 again.
Jesus said: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I
will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am
gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For
my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
I understand this open invitation as including the yoke, service,
commitment, allegiance, "burden", of following Him in the kingdom of
the Father. The image of bearing two yokes makes no sense to me.
Therefore I understand the invitation as an offer to free us from
service or slavery to others if we do indeed take his yoke upon us.
Freedom from slavery to other men (who would be "gods") is included in
what I understand to be the Scriptural concept of "salvation". The
process of release from other masters may be a difficult transition
over time, as it was for the Israelites and Moses, including the
crossing by faith of a "Red Sea", but my confidence is firm that he
offers to do this for each one who responds in faith and commitment.
The question of going back later to the service of counterfeit "gods"
gets into all the old and difficult questions regarding eternal
security, free will, etc. To those questions I have never found
"logical" answers in Scripture or anywhere else, nor do I find in
Scripture an attempt to give a logically satisfying answer. When Job
asked difficult questions, the answer he received from his Maker in the
whirlwind was essentially, "Who do you think you are?"
To those who are worried and concerned that they may fall away, that
their Father will not hold them in His care, that their adversary may
overcome them, the Scriptural reassurance is, "Don't worry. He is
able to take care of you always, and He will."
To those who use this assurance as an excuse to wander away and treat
His calling lightly, the warning is, "Beware, or you may fall out of
His care, and then there may be little hope for you!"
Scripture speaks to concrete people in real situations, not to
philosophers gathered to consider abstract concepts. We may find some
of the messages logically contradictory. But who do we think we are?
Rejoicing in His faithful and loving care,