If you have been blessed by anything on this site, you may find these sites worth your time also.
I list them because I have met the producers of each of them face-to-face more than once and for many years have regarded them as brothers in Christ who are seeking the kingdom.
Each of them has been used to bless me. I don't share all the conclusions of any one of them, nor do I expect them to share all of mine. The minds and lives of all of us are more like labyrinths with many unexplored corners than they are like single, open, visible rooms. Understanding ourselves is challenging. Fully understanding others is impossible. Only the Lord does.
Anyway, here they are:
freewebs.com/mobilewalt/Anyone who shares my interest in Anabaptist history will appreciate Peter Hoover's online book, The Secret of the Strength: What Would the Anabaptists Tell This Generation? It can be read at:http://www.gw.org/Sos/index.htm#toc