The "Good News" (Gospel) > Archives > Postings at theekklesiachurch > Should I get a cdl? |
Should I get a cdl?(9-08-04)
Without suggesting "what I might do", I will simply make some comments.
As followers of Jesus, the only priority each of us should have is following Him. Therefore for each of us the only priority question in any situation is, "What, to the best of my knowledge, is my Lord's heartfelt desire for me in this situation." To the extent we are able to discern that, nothing else matters.
I should think of "my particular profession" as following Jesus. Only so long as he calls me to have a cdl or any other "professional" recognition should I think of those human creations as being part of my "profession".
More than twenty years ago I had to process similar questions regarding a different "profession". In the end I no longer had any of the "professional" credentials which I had worked hard and long to acquire, and which seemed so indispensable. The road since then has not been simple or easy. But it has led me to a place where with each passing year I am more thankful that I am no longer where I was then.
As I said up front, this should not be interpreted as an indication of "what I might do" in your situation. Each situation has hundreds of different variables. You are very different from me. The Lord's will for me is not necessarily His will for you. But of this I am very confident: to the extent that you walk the path which (all things considered) you believe in your heart he is putting before you, you will know over time that His way is good, and that you are arriving at better destinations. He is faithful.
May you experience happy traveling, whether or not it is "driving".